Frieda's Reminds You to Love Your Produce Manager
LOS ALAMITOS, CA - As the unsung heroes of the industry, produce managers don’t always get the love they deserve, even though they play an important part in changing the way America shops and eats. Frieda’s Specialty Produce is aiming to change all that, however, with its Love Your Produce Manager® Day.
On April 2nd, those produce manager’s who quietly play a key roles in increasing fruit and vegetable consumption are being honored for their exemplary customer service, according to a press release. A recent survey by Packaged Facts reports that three out of four shoppers choose where they shop based on the produce department.
To raise awareness of this holiday, for every produce company, industry organization, grocery retailer, and grower who uses the #LYPM hashtag in a Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram post, or mention Love Your Produce Manager® Day on their websites, a donation will be made to United Fresh’s “Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools” program by Frieda’s. Love Your Produce Manager® Day messages must be posted by 11:59 p.m. on April 3 to be counted.
In addition to the industry centered campaign, Frieda’s is hosting a consumer social media giveaway to encourage shoppers to show their appreciation for their Produce Managers from Wednesday, March 25, through Thursday, April 2. For a chance to win a prize for themselves and their Produce Manager, shoppers can post a shout-out to their favorite Produce Manager on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with hashtag #LYPM. Three sets of winners will be announced on April 3.