Frieda's Introduces New Tropical Fruit Marketing Strategy

Frieda's Introduces New Tropical Fruit Marketing Strategy

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LOS ALAMITOS, CA - With tropical vacations out of the question due to the pandemic restrictions, all we need for a quick escape is a little imagination and fresh, exotic produce to get some R&R from home this winter. To help consumers, Frieda’s is offering a prime supply of tropical fruits this season that will catapult vacation fantasies to new heights, and is encouraging its retail partners to do the same.

Cindy Sherman, Director of Marketing, Insights, and Innovation, Frieda's Specialty Produce“For many shoppers, the trip to the grocery store is their only escape right now,” said Cindy Sherman, Director of Insights, Marketing, and Innovation. “It makes sense that shoppers would splurge on a latte at the coffee kiosk, spend a little extra time lingering over the cheese case and look for something new and different to try in the produce department, especially something that feels warm, exotic, and adventurous.”

As of now, 63 percent of shoppers say that they are unlikely to travel anytime soon, but 41 percent say that enjoying the delicious tastes of tropical fruits would make their lives more fun and interesting, according to a press release.

Frieda’s Specialty Produce is offering a prime supply of tropical fruits this season, encouraging shoppers to vacation via the produce aisle

To give the people what they want (and need), Frieda’s is offering exotic items like dragon fruit, passion fruit, young coconut, and jack fruit, amongst others. To take the island vibe up a notch, the company is encouraging retailers to create enticing, eye-catching displays that bring paradise to the produce section. Frieda’s recommends fun tiki-themed grocery escapes adorned with grass skirts, tropical umbrellas, and all of the fresh tropical fruit consumers can load their baskets with.

Share the spirit of the island with your shoppers this winter by riding the wave of tropical fruits to more register rings across your produce aisles, and reach out to Frieda’s for the best program for your stores.

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