Full Tilt Marketing Surveys Food Bloggers on Hottest Food Trends

Full Tilt Marketing Surveys Food Bloggers on Hottest Food Trends

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ORLANDO, FL – From the buy-side to the supply-side, the industry keeps a close eye on the latest food trends and what’s hot with consumers. To help produce professionals tap in further on margin increasing trends in the marketplace, Full Tilt Marketing surveyed 37 food bloggers to get their perspective on what trends and popularity patterns they are seeing.

Heidi McIntyre, Managing Partner, FullTilt Marketing“When it comes to consumer trends, food bloggers offer a unique perspective,” stated Full Tilt Managing Partner Heidi McIntyre. “They are constantly monitoring the responses to their recipe posts, engaging with their followers, and keeping tabs on other food bloggers, which gives them an edge in understanding consumer preferences.” 

Veggie Noodles

So, where does produce fall? According to a press release, Full Tilt found out the following trends according to its bloggers: 

Lasting Favorites

Consumers have a preference for heirloom varieties and ancient ingredients. Bloggers noted that vegetables as substitution are also finding their way into consumer hearts; like, veggie noodles and mashed cauliflower instead of traditional starches. This trend is finding success in healthy recipes.


Ranking the highest on the list, this trend has been escalating over the past few years. The National Restaurant Association also named street food as one of the leading food trends for 2017, incorporating veggies along the way. 


Coming in second on the trend list, jackfruit and other plant-based protein sources are gaining popularity as consumers seek healthier alternativies.


Poke Bowl

In a food bowl trend that seems to be sweeping the country, food bloggers noted that poke fell highest on the list. Poke contains cubed, raw fish with seasonings and other healthy items such as rice and vegetables. As the item continues appearing in eateries, expect to see them more on food blogs as well. 

Other Trends

While plant-based waters and cold pressed juices may be on their way out of trends that are exploding in popularity, the bloggers noted there are other trends starting to pop. As consumers patterns shift, these items are becoming a growing presence:

  • Kombucha: experiencing a 41% growth since 2016, according to Beverage Industry Magazine
  • Pickling and fermenting: consumers are experimenting with home-made condiments and methods of creation
  • Grain-free items
  • Keto and paleo foods
  • Craft cocktails, including using Asian spirits
  • Sustainable bio-sourcing

Melinda Goodman, Managing Partner, FullTilt Marketing“Trends are dynamic with a variety of perspectives from multiple industry facets–with trend setters telling us what’s next. What’s interesting about bloggers is how plugged into they are to actual consumer feedback, not agenda. Their business are driven by clicks and page views so they know firsthand what drives consumers to help us understand what’s happening on the front lines,” said Melinda Goodman, Managing Partner.

Jackfruit Sandwich

Full Tilt noted that a majority of its surveyed bloggers reported that health is top of mind for their followers. This put healthy meals for kids and veggie-centric meals high on their list. 

“Nowadays, healthy, organic, sustainable foods that cater to our lifestyles are of key importance when it comes to being a recipe developer and food blogger. From my perspective healthy, organic, sustainable aren’t buzzwords, they are all important food trends,” noted one blogger on healthy eating.

Following the health-focused trend, consumers are also continuing to look to local when it comes to sourcing their produce and other food items. One blogger wrote, “Consumers want to understand where their food comes from, now more than ever.”   

So, where do consumers concerns lay? The bloggers noted that hormones seem top of mind, with sustainability and where their food is grown coming in second. One blogger stated, “I think a lot of people are more aware of what food they are consuming and where it is coming from; especially since that information is so widely available now.” 

As consumers discover new favorites, and re-discover old loves, AndNowUKnow will keep an ear to the ground for the latest and hottest produce items in the market.

FullTilt Marketing

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