Gee Whiz Fruit Details Great Quality Crop for Cherry Season; Digger Pond Comments

Gee Whiz Fruit Details Great Quality Crop for Cherry Season; Digger Pond Comments

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ORONDO, WA - There is a buzzing excitement in the cherry space as the highly anticipated season kicks off. If you didn’t catch our latest update on Gee Whiz’s increased summer cherry yield, the supplier has doubled the volume of fresh cherry shipments available to U.S. retailers this summer, which means cherry programs are primed for a boost.

Digger Pond, Chief Executive Officer, Gee Whiz Fruit

“We’ve had great and even bloom temps, and we expect a very evenly spaced and great quality crop,” shares Digger Pond, the company's newly appointed Chief Executive Officer. “Our volumes have doubled since last season and will continue to grow based on orchard acquisition plans we have.”

The company expects to begin its season on June 14, extending through the first week of August. Peak production on both Rainier and Dark Sweets will begin during the first week of July.

As Digger emphasizes, promoting often with emphasis on larger-sized fruit is key to seeing good returns in the cherry category. Gee Whiz advises its retail partners to keep Rainiers close by, both in the ad and on display, and educate their produce managers and clerks about the uniqueness and specialty of the grower’s fruit.

The supplier has doubled the volume of fresh cherry shipments available to U.S. retailers this summer, which means cherry programs are primed for a boost

“Gee Whiz emphasizes large displays with our jumbo size profile. Our fruit is larger than industry norms, and given the impulsivity of buyers when it comes to cherry purchases, we like to make sure the shopper has every opportunity to be wowed by our fruit,” Digger adds.

When mapping out their merchandising plans, retailers should also consider the many uses and benefits of this beloved fruit.

“Our fruit is great to bake with as well,” Digger points out. “Building a display that uses a point-of-sale card with usage suggestions is critical. We recommend carrying over a baking application such as a pie crust of phyllo dough. Cherries are also one of the healthiest and most anti-inflammatory foods in the world, so the medicinal benefits of cherries can be promoted often.”

Promoting often with emphasis on larger-sized fruit is key to seeing good returns in the cherry category

Overall, opportunities are abundant as the producer’s season is shaping up perfectly across its growing regions.

“We grow for flavor, and every part of our process accentuates that in our fruit,” Digger assures. “We are very proud to be one of the select few growers who have early Rainiers, Cristalinas, and Black Pearls in our mix of cherries. These are sought after around the world for their peak flavor and large size.”

Now is the time to tap into all of the opportunities provided by the upcoming cherry season! For more category updates, keep clicking on AndNowUKnow.

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