Hy-Vee Debuts Full-Service Restaurant Concept in South Dakota

Hy-Vee Debuts Full-Service Restaurant Concept in South Dakota

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Hy-Vee opened its first Market Café in South Dakota as part of a new concept to  add full-service restaurants in many of its stores.

The café opened at the end of May in the Watertown, South Dakota Hy-Vee store.  Its menu includes appetizers, salads, burgers, sandwiches and flatbreads.  It will also have a bar that serves beer and wine, according to news publication Argus Leader.Cropped_image_061014
Store manager Shane Conger said that customer reaction has been “very, very positive.”  Customers can either order in front of a counter and be seated or be served by wait staff.  The store added 45 employees for the café. Cropped_image_061014
At least  five out of the seven Sioux Falls stores will receive either a Market Café or the larger Market Grille concept, which includes a large assortment of dinner entrees, according to Hy-Vee’s Assistant Vice President of Operations Tim Stupka.Cropped_image_061014
“It’s absolutely amazing.  I don’t know that we’ve ever had a food complaint,” Stupka said.  “They’re fantastic.”

Hy-Vee plans to add up to 75 restaurant locations by 2016, according to the company’s website.


Hy-Vee Market Grille