Industry Colleagues Share Their Thoughts and Takeaways for the International Fresh Produce Association's Global Produce & Floral Show

Industry Colleagues Share Their Thoughts and Takeaways for the International Fresh Produce Association's Global Produce & Floral Show

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ORLANDO, FL - The comments and feedback keep coming in and the International Fresh Produce Association’s (IFPA) Global Produce & Floral Show continues to be the talk of the week! But would you expect anything less?

While there were many huge takeaways, the most significant for me was the chance to tightly hug all the friends I have not seen near enough these past few years. Here are some more thoughts from our friends on what impacted them at the 2022 event…

Mike Casazza, President - Southwest Region, FreshSource

Mike Casazza, President - Southwest Region, FreshSource“It was nice to be back at IFPA this weekend and have time to catch up with friends and colleagues and get back to that personal touch that makes our industry so special. The show was buzzing with excitement as retailers, suppliers, and growers all came together strengthening relationships, building new ones, and showcasing the innovations that drive our business.”

Alexandra Rae Molumby, Director of Marketing, Bako Sweet®

Alexandra Rae Molumby, Director of Marketing, Bako Sweet®“It was nonstop for the Bako Sweet® team at the event! This show gave us many ways to promote our brand. We showed excited retailers our new mesh sweet potato bags which were featured in the Fresh Ideas Showcase. Bako Sweet was also broadcasted live on the PIX11 NYC segment with Lifestyle Expert Danny Seo. And, finally, I was able to share some of our strategies when I participated in the Social Media Messaging and Measurement panel at the Education Festival. We could not have asked for a better show!”

Industry members from far and wide recently gathered at the International Fresh Produce Association’s Global Produce & Floral Show

Chris Miller, Produce Director, Meat and Seafood Coordinator, MOM’s Organic Market

Chris Miller, Produce Director, Meat and Seafood Coordinator, MOM’s Organic Market“It was so fantastic to be back with old friends and colleagues at the IFPA show. I walked away from this event with the excitement to take what we have learned together and use that energy to move things forward with new partnerships, friends, and a communal passion to get more produce into people’s stomachs! The educational sessions were outstanding and intimate—a perfect balance for the big and inspiring keynotes with Cathy Burns and José Andrés. The trade show was fantastic as always, and I got some very memorable opportunities to experience some of the ‘post-business’ fun that our industry does so well!”

Emily Murracas, Director of Marketing, Mucci Farms

Emily Murracas, Director of Marketing, Mucci Farms“To say that being back in person was an incredible experience would be an understatement! The energy was high, and I believe many of us were hungry for this event. Our team put forth a lot of work leading up to this show and the results were rewarding. It was great to be able to network and take advantage of learning opportunities through sessions and conversations with our peers. The IFPA surely ignited our produce innovations, and we were inspired by all the members of the supply chain that work so diligently to increase the consumption of fresh produce! Congratulations to the new association on a great inaugural show.”

Teri Miller, Senior Category Manager, The Fresh Market

Teri Miller, Senior Category Manager, The Fresh Market“It’s been several years since we have all been together! And I missed so many people—business partners, old teammates, and friends. I enjoy the opportunity to talk in person. ZOOM meets a need, but there is nothing like interacting face-to-face. The ability to see reactions is key to fully understanding one another, and fully understanding one another is key to building strong relationships. Strong relationships create the foundation for success for our guests! Thank you, IFPA!”

In addition to insightful keynote sessions, an exciting Fresh Ideas Showcase, and more, members of the produce industry were delighted to come together face to face during the show

Stephanie Hilton, Marketing and Business Development, Tom Lange Family of Companies

Stephanie Hilton, Marketing and Business Development, Tom Lange Family of Companies“Our industry is relationship-driven, and finally having the opportunity to see friends, colleagues, and customers, and have face-to-face conversations was invigorating for everyone. The past several years have presented so many challenges, but this industry has shown a resilience and an ability to adapt that I feel is like no other. The responsibility that we have to feed our communities and the world is humbling, and last week in Orlando gave us the opportunity to celebrate how far we have come and look toward the future.”

Kevin Brooks, Chief Marketing Officer, Procurant

Kevin Brooks, Chief Marketing Officer, Procurant“The Global Produce & Floral Show was a great event! This year’s return carried a lot of expectations. Produce is a very social, people-focused industry, and you could tell that everyone was eager to be back. For Procurant, the chance to connect with so many customers and partners in one place make it a special event. We had a strong interest in our new inspection solution, and people were excited about our partnership with Uber Freight (formerly Transplace). And, of course, we were happy to meet so many new friends!”

Thank you to all of our industry friends and to the IFPA for inviting us along for the ride!

International Fresh Produce Association

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International Fresh Produce Association

The International Fresh Produce Association is the largest and most diverse international association serving the entire…