International Fresh Produce Association Policy Retreat Charts the Course for the Future; Rebeckah Adcock, Tony Freytag, and Bret Erickson Detail

International Fresh Produce Association Policy Retreat Charts the Course for the Future; Rebeckah Adcock, Tony Freytag, and Bret Erickson Detail

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WASHINGTON, DC - This month, the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) brought together volunteer leaders serving on the U.S. Government Relations Council and Political Advisory Committee, diving into a Policy Retreat to help chart the course for 2025 Advocacy Priorities.

Rebeckah Adcock, Vice President of US Government Relations, International Fresh Produce Association
Rebeckah Adcock, Vice President of U.S. Government Relations, International Fresh Produce Association

“This is an incredibly important time for our industry as we work to finalize the Farm Bill and approach the U.S. elections,” said Rebeckah Adcock, Vice President of U.S. Government Relations, IFPA. “We have spent time at the RNC and the DNC this summer, in addition to countless hours engaging with our elected officials and regulatory partners. I can say that the most impactful information they hear is directly from our members who can share exactly how their policies impact them. This Policy Retreat is about educating ourselves on those issues and setting the agenda so we have focused advocacy efforts next year.”

The program included a joint session between the two volunteer groups, featuring a look at the upcoming IFPA Strategic Plan, research on the headwinds and currents that may impact the industry.

The International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) recently brought together volunteer leaders serving on the U.S. Government Relations Council and Political Advisory Committee, diving into a Policy Retreat to help chart the course for 2025 Advocacy Priorities

The retreat even offered an opportunity to hear from industry experts Bret Erickson and Tony Freytag.

Tony Freytag, Political Advisory Committee Chair and Executive Vice President, Crunch Pak
Tony Freytag, Executive Vice President, Crunch Pak

“Government actions and legislation has an immense impact on the industry,” said Tony Freytag, Political Advisory Committee Chair and Executive Vice President, Crunch Pak. “Building relationships and sharing our stories with lawmakers goes a long way in ensuring our voices are heard. I appreciate all who attended the retreat and took the time to look forward. The more we engage and speak about the issues that impact our work, the more policymakers can learn about the challenges of our own industry and the entire produce world and use that knowledge as they make decisions.”

The Political Advisory Committee focused on the FreshPAC and grassroots efforts, explained a press release.

Bret Erickson, US GR Council Chair and Senior Vice President of Business Affairs, Little Bear Produce
Bret Erickson, Senior Vice President of Business Affairs, Little Bear Produce

“The success of the IFPA Policy Retreat underscores the critical role that our collective advocacy efforts play in shaping the future of our industry,” said Bret Erickson, US GR Council Chair and Senior Vice President of Business Affairs, Little Bear Produce. “This event provided a unique platform for industry leaders to engage in meaningful and substantive policy discussions that will steer us into the future. I want to thank all who participated, our advocacy work is essential in ensuring that local and regional suppliers in the U.S. and around the globe can be economically sustainable and continue to provide healthy fresh produce to the family dinner table.”

ANUK will continue to report on the International Fresh Produce Association, so keep clicking back to stay in the know.

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