John Shuman of Shuman Farms Discusses Upcoming Vidalia® Season
REIDSVILLE, GA - Are your calendars marked? Because the Vidalia® sweet onion season is kicking off on April 17, and you don’t want to miss out! As we prepare for this exciting merchandising window, John Shuman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Shuman Farms, shared some insights exclusively with ANUK.

“The sweet onion market has been tremendously short for a number of months now and we're hopeful the Vidalia onion season and the Vidalia industry is gonna bring some much-needed relief to the sweet onion market and the sweet onion industry,” John shared.
With this highly coveted variety making its way to produce departments soon, retailers have a host of advantageous merchandising opportunities at their fingertips.

“Vidalia sweet onions cross-merchandise well with the meat department and with other staple items in the produce department like peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, and different things like that,” John adds. “There's a wonderful opportunity to cross-promote and to drive incremental sales of different items across the produce department, and it works well over the major holidays like Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day.”
Shuman Farms’ partners can expect a good, full season of Vidalia sweet onions to satisfy consumers throughout the summer.
More information can be found in our exclusive video above!