Legend Produce is in Peak Production with Fresh Crop Jumbo Cantaloupe in Yuma, Arizona
SCOTTSDALE, AZ - Legend Produce has reached peak production for its fresh crop of jumbo cantaloupe out of its Yuma, Arizona growing regions, and this fall season could be its best yet.
“We are having our best fall season ever from Yuma, Arizona with exceptional flavor,” says Barry Zwillinger of Legend Produce. The company has been farming cantaloupes in Yuma, Arizona for over twenty years. Barry tells me that this landmark season has produced fruit with high-quality, sweet flavors, and fragrant aromas.
With Yuma’s excellent weather in recent days, the dry climate and low humidity days are helping to produce what the company is reporting as exceptional boxes of cantaloupe, filled with large sizes. Legend produce provides both jumbo 9 ct and 9 ct. Barry adds, “This season is on par to be as good as our spring season in Yuma, Arizona.”
Legend Produce’s jumbo cantaloupe sizes are now available, so come and get them! Those interested can contact the sales office at 623-298-3782, for prices and to place orders.
The company added, "If you are looking for the large size cantaloupes look towards Legend Produce! Give us a call and let us know how we can help you!"
As the company's slogan says, The Legend Continues...