Mushroom Council® Weighs in on Rising Trend for Mushrooms
UNITED STATES - If you’ve been keeping up with ANUK’s coverage of the rising trends set to drive fresh demand in 2024, then you are well aware of the hold mushrooms currently have over consumers. The Mushroom Council® has assured us that this momentum is certainly not slowing down any time soon. In fact, the organization has tracked nearly 50 articles calling mushrooms an “it” ingredient for the year ahead.
Mushrooms have ranked among the top trend predictions from many outfits, ranging from top retailers, food editors, top-tier media outlets, and world-renowned restaurant reviewers.

Some of these trend forecasts include:
- TIME magazine: “More of us will embrace fungi, and mushrooms will shine as a meat replacement”
- Whole Foods Market: “The OGs of plant-based cuisine are making a comeback. We’re seeing new and emerging protein-forward products with mushrooms, walnuts, tempeh, and legumes in place of complex meat alternatives”
- Instacart: “More people will catch on to the health benefits of mushrooms. From their possible link to immune-boosting properties and cognitive enhancement, mushrooms are emerging as a powerful ally in people’s well-being”
- Michelin - “They are delicious, bringing a rich, meaty taste and texture to my dishes while being a great fit for various dietary preferences”
- Fresh Thyme Markets: “Mushroom mania”
- Eat This, Not That!: “Mushrooms will be front and center in the new year”
Don’t take our word for it! Mushrooms are high on everyone’s radar this year, and the opportunities to stimulate even more category growth are abundant.
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