National Mango Board Now Accepting Board Nominees

National Mango Board Now Accepting Board Nominees

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ORLANDO, FL - The National Mango Board (NMB) is currently seeking nominations for six board member positions! These members will serve a three-year term beginning January 2020, during which they will have the opportunity to shape the future direction of NMB programs in upcoming years.

According to a recent press release, the current open positions are: one importer in District III, two importers in District IV, and three foreign producers. Candidates must meet certain requirements and be willing to serve the mango industry by fulfilling board member roles and responsibilities.

The NMB is made up of 18 mango industry members—importers, a first handler, domestic producers, and foreign producers

The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture ultimately appoints new board members from a final slate of nominees. For each importer, domestic producer, and first handler position, two nominees will be forwarded to the Secretary of Agriculture. To narrow the selection of nominees to the two required for submission, mango industry members in the respective district will vote to select the two nominees per position. Foreign producer nominations will be submitted by mango foreign producing organizations or themselves. All nominations for these positions will then be forwarded to the Secretary of Agriculture for a final decision on the appointments.

Members will have the opportunity to shape the future direction of NMB programs in upcoming years

The NMB is made up of 18 mango industry members—importers, a first handler, domestic producers, and foreign producers who dedicate themselves to the NMB mission to increase consumption of fresh mangos in the U.S. through innovative research and promotional activities, while also fostering a thriving industry. The press release noted that board members work closely with the NMB staff to carry out marketing, research, and communications programs to benefit the mango industry.

Mango industry members who are interested in serving as a member of the NMB should visit for complete details, updates, and the necessary forms. Nominations must be received at the NMB office no later than February 20, 2019.

Best of luck, nominees!

National Mango Board

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National Mango Board

The board’s mission is to increase awareness and consumption of fresh mangos in the U.S. The NMB works toward this…