Naturipe Farms Expects 2020 to be Best Blueberry Year on Record

Naturipe Farms Expects 2020 to be Best Blueberry Year on Record

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SALINAS, CA - Berry extraordinaire Naturipe Farms is diving headfirst into 2020 with anticipation for its biggest and best blueberry year on record. Yes, the year of the blueberry has officially begun, and with excellent quality and high volume berries on their way, we’ll all soon be singing the blues—in the best way possible.

CarrieAnn Arias, Vice President of Marketing, Naturipe Farms“After Pantone® named 2020’s color of the year classic blue, and Firmenich announced 2020’s flavor of the year classic blueberry, we knew this year was going to be special,” said CarrieAnn Arias, Vice President of Marketing. “What’s even more exciting is that Mother Nature is joining the celebration, allowing us to confidently predict 2020 as our largest blueberry production ever.”

Naturipe’s growers provide consumers with fresh, conventional and organic blueberries year-round, and this year, the company is expecting Mother Nature to be especially generous. Industry-wide, almost 750 million pounds of fresh blueberries are anticipated to be harvested. Naturipe, as one of the largest fresh blueberry suppliers in the world, will play a significant role in this year’s berry forecast.

Naturipe Farms announced 2020 as the Year of the Blueberry, launching a marketing campaign to promote this beloved berry

“It’s a drastic increase we’ve been planning in response to growing consumer demand,” CarrieAnn commented. “So, whether you prefer a yogurt parfait, blueberry pie, or a handful of straight berries, we’ll be here all year long to help you celebrate the year of the blueberry with Mother Nature herself.”

In years past, Naturipe has been able to predict the size of its blueberry harvest thanks to its thorough understanding of historical production, new plantings, and significant farms that have joined the Naturipe family.

Brian Bocock, Vice President of Product Management, Naturipe Farms“We are always in pursuit of the very best growers in the world who are willing to innovate and leverage technology to bring the tastiest berries to our consumers. These traits have the added benefit of helping us accurately estimate the size of our harvest,” said Brian Bocock, Vice President of Product Management, in a press release. “For example, many of our growers are moving their bushes under tunnels which helps moderate weather, producing better fruit and making forecasts and yields more dependable. We’re also making major moves to improve our varieties by helping our growers, carefully selecting the best varieties for their growing region and conditions. In doing so, we can consistently yield better results both in terms of volume, but most important to us, taste.”

The good news about this year’s blues comes right after Naturipe kicked off its Blue Year celebration, which began with a Blue Year Celebration and countdown to 2020, and now this announcement on Naturipe’s Instagram account.

For more news on the world of fresh produce, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Naturipe Farms

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