Naturipe Farms Removes 24 Metric Tons of Plastic from Packaging
SALINAS, CA - As part of its continued commitment to sustainable packaging, Naturipe Farms is adding the How2Recycle® label to its packaging. This label educates consumers on proper recycling practices and where to go if they need to find information specific to their municipality. With this addition to its packaging, as well as its numerous other sustainable packaging initiatives, Naturipe Farms is steadfast in its commitment to educating and influencing consumers to engage in workable environmentally friendly practices, encouraging handlers and customers to recycle clamshells, and supporting manufacturers who buy into sustainable programs.
“These initiatives are progressing steps toward our goal of increasing sustainability from our farms to your tables,” said CarrieAnn Arias, Vice President of Marketing. “We are also committed to educating and encouraging consumers to do their part by recycling clamshells.”
Implementing more sustainable packaging, as well as focusing on sustainable business practices at large, is not new to Naturipe Farms as it has been innovating on this front for years. It was first an adopter of heat seal technology for both fresh and value-added product lines, which reduces plastic by 33 percent.
According to a press release, on a single foodservice pack change, the new product removed almost 550 lbs of plastic per week from the waste stream. Last year, Naturipe increased its Heat Seal Program by 400 percent, resulting in 24 metric tons of plastic removed from its packaging. The company is now looking to remove 48 metric tons of plastic from its packaging in 2020, doubling last year’s goal.
“Naturipe Farms and our family of farmers have made it a priority to reduce the environmental footprint in all areas of the business particularly in packaging reduction and recyclability,” added Janis McIntosh, Director of Marketing Innovation and Sustainability. “Since I joined Naturipe I’ve made it my priority to focus my efforts on reducing our environmental footprint not just as a company but as an industry.”
Naturipe Farms is also joining major North American fresh berry producers in announcing its goal to using 100 percent recycle-ready packaging by 2025. They join many others in the industry in making this commitment, including California Strawberry Commission, the North American Blueberry Council (NABC), Asociacion National de Exportadores de Berries (Aneberries, Mexico), the Chilean Blueberry Committee, Fruits from Chile, and members of the National Berry Crops Initiative, among others.
“This pledge perfectly coincides with Naturipe’s Cultivate with Care™ sustainability program,” stated Arias. “Naturipe Farms grower/owners, leadership, and employees are committed to making sustainability a priority, incorporated into every decision they make.”
McIntosh spoke this morning from 10 a.m.—11a.m. EST at this year’s United Fresh LIVE!, during its sustainable packaging Coffee Talk session. Janis explored innovative market concepts and the future of new packaging solutions.
Keep an eye on industry innovators like Naturipe Farms as we all work to build a more sustainable future.