New York Apple Association Rolls Out 600 Buses Advertising Big Flavor in The Big Apple; Cynthia Haskins Details

New York Apple Association Rolls Out 600 Buses Advertising Big Flavor in The Big Apple; Cynthia Haskins Details

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NEW YORK - A campaign spotlighting New York apples is rolling out. The New York Apple Association has 600 king-sized buses advertising The Big Flavor in The Big Apple to spread the word that delicious New York State apples are hitting local retailers.

Cynthia Haskins, President and Chief Executive Officer, New York Apple Association
Cynthia Haskins, President and Chief Executive Officer, New York Apple Association

"New York City is an incredibly vibrant pedestrian market, and we are eager to engage with residents and visitors. Our deliberate focus on utilizing a large number of buses is a powerful way to communicate to consumers that New York apples are flavorful and readily accessible in NYC stores," said Cynthia Haskins, President and Chief Executive Officer.

According to a press release, these buses will traverse the city for two and a half months. To support the campaign, NYAA designed high-graphic display shippers and price cards signifying The Big Flavor and shipped them out through New York apple shippers and wholesalers with the many different apple varieties that New York State offers.

The New York Apple Association has 600 king-sized buses advertising The Big Flavor in The Big Apple

This is an exciting year for New York State apple growers, Haskins added, as they are expected to harvest 31 million bushels of apples.

"This year's flavor is fantastic, and the apples are definitely a repeat buy at retail. We are making sure we get ample displays of New York apples up in stores. As soon as you enter the stores, the displays are grabbing consumers’ attention," added Haskins.

NYAA is launching digital banner ads specifically aimed at New York City to spread its message and has lined up geotargeted advertisements for its retail partners to promote New York apple varieties.

To learn more about this latest activation, click here.

As always, AndNowUKnow will keep you in the loop regarding produce marketing.

Companies in this Story

New York Apple Association

New York State apple growers have been perfecting their apples for over 300 years. We hope you enjoy them all year long.…