North Bay Produce’s Ryan Lockman Discusses Expanded Strawberry Program Through Mexico and Florida Supplies

North Bay Produce’s Ryan Lockman Discusses Expanded Strawberry Program Through Mexico and Florida Supplies

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TRAVERSE CITY, MI - The strawberry. A quintessential fresh produce item that consumers just can’t seem to get enough of. With the demand for a full suite of berries increasing for retailers, North Bay Produce has expanded its program to include strawberries grown in Florida and Mexico from October through March.

Ryan Lockman, Vice President of Sales, North Bay Produce“Before adding strawberries, North Bay carried all three bush berries, both organic and conventional. Demand from our customers to carry all four berries has caused us to add strawberries to the lineup—both conventional and organic,” explained Ryan Lockman, Vice President of Sales, North Bay Produce. “Strawberries also give North Bay a route to increase sales as well as overall supply chain efficiencies.”

North Bay partnered with growers in Mexico and Florida to create a good supply of strawberries beginning last month. Volume is expected to be significant and quality is expected to be good, Ryan told me. Mexican berries are shipped from the McAllen and Mascoutah regions, while Florida berries are shipped from Mt. Dora, FL.

North Bay Produce has expanded its program to include strawberries grown in Florida and Mexico from October through March

“The expansion of North Bay’s strawberry program will benefit our customers as they will have the ability to place orders for all four berries from one shipper as well as take advantage of our high level of customer service,” Ryan added.

A fully stacked berry program with a premier partnership to boot? Now that is one fresh produce opportunity not to be missed.

North Bay partnered with growers in Mexico and Florida to create a good supply of strawberries beginning last month

The expansion doesn’t stop here, though, as North Bay also teased that it will have additional new growing regions in the future, allowing the purveyor to provide a year-round supply of strawberries.

ANUK will be sure to report as soon as we hear more from our friends at North Bay Produce.

North Bay Produce

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