Office of California Governor Jerry Brown Appoints Julie Montgomery as the ALRB’s General Counsel

Office of California Governor Jerry Brown Appoints Julie Montgomery as the ALRB’s General Counsel

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SACRAMENTO, CA – On Friday, March 4, the Office of California Governor Jerry Brown announced that Julie Montgomery will now be appointed as the General Counsel to the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB).

Julie Montgomery, General Counsel, California Agricultural Labor Relations BoardPrior to joining the ALRB, Montgomery worked for the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. For over a decade, she has represented farm workers and other low-wage workers in systemic impact litigation in employment and housing cases involving discrimination, sexual harassment, substandard conditions, and wage and hour violations.

Barry Bedwell, President of the California Fresh Fruit Association, expressed his expressed his excitement on Montgomery’s new role in a press release.

Barry Bedwell, President, California Fresh Fruit Association“On behalf of the members of the California Fresh Fruit Association, I would like to congratulate Ms. Montgomery on her appointment to the ALRB General Counsel,” he said. “We here at the California Fresh Fruit Association have had the opportunity to meet Ms. Montgomery in the past and look forward to reengaging with her in her new position. Our Association looks forward to working with the new General Counsel to maintain orderly processes for protecting, implementing, and enforcing the respective rights and responsibilities of employees, employers, and labor organizations in their relations with each other.”

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Montgomery earned a bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley and her Juris Doctorate from UC Davis Law School. Her expertise working with farm workers and other low-wage workers is expected to be of huge value to the ALRB.

California Fresh Fruit Association

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