Okanagan Specialty Fruits Launches New Foodservice Web Portal
SUMMERLAND, BC, CANADA - A tried and true method of increasing the reach of our beloved fruits and veggies is to partner with foodservice operators. When chefs utilize poduce in fresh and fun ways, consumers start clamoring for the products at retail. A win-win for all, I dare say. Okanagan Speciality Fruits agrees with me, as the grower recently launched a new foodservice web portal.
“We see remarkable demand from the foodservice industry. The fresh-picked flavor of Arctic® apple slices is really resonating with chefs and foodservice operators. The portal was designed to provide information and pique the interest of the industry,” stated Rebecca Catlett, Director of Marketing and Communications.
The new web portal, a press release noted, provides information about Arctic apple fresh slices as well as the Arctic ApBitz® dried apple snacks. It provides details on how these two products provide unique benefits to the foodservice industry. The portal itself is ideal for chefs looking for sustainable solutions that save time, money, and eliminate waste. The site features a collection of tools, including a custom field-generated calculator, which allows users to determine cost savings that can be realized with pre-cut slices of Arctic apples.
“Arctic apples, developed with the fresh-cut market in mind, are a natural fit for foodservice use,” remarked Jennifer Armen, Vice President. “The features of Arctic apples benefit the entire supply chain.”
Arctic apples are grown specifically for slicing, meaning there’s less time for prep work and less waste! They boast a long shelf-life and can be prepped and plated right from their package.
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