Onions 52's Falon Brawley Discusses Year-Round Organic Program

Onions 52's Falon Brawley Discusses Year-Round Organic Program

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MONTEREY, CA - Is someone cutting onions in here? Because we’re crying—at how beautiful Onions 52’s tri-color organic onion packs are! Recently, Falon Brawley, Marketing Director, took a beat to share details about the supplier’s year-round organic program and how it benefits retailers.

Falon Brawley, Marketing Director, Onions 52“We grow red, yellow, white, sweet, and tearless onions,” explains Falon. “This is our new tri-color onion pack. It’s available in organic and conventional in a 2 lb, 3 lb, and 5 lb pack style. It’s a red, yellow, and white onion in one convenient grab-and-go bag.”

Onions 52 grows, packs, and ships onions 52 weeks a year. The supplier is headquartered in Syracuse, Utah, and its onions are grown throughout Washington, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Texas, and New Mexico.

As part of its year-round organic program, Onions 52 grows red, yellow, white, sweet, and tearless onions

Through its grower partnerships, Onions 52 can control its supply 365 days a year, making sure a day doesn’t go by without onions. But that is not the only benefit the supplier has to offer.

“We’re also featuring our colorful jumbo-size PLU stickers,” adds Falon. “These are larger than your standard size stickers, so they adhere to the onion and stay on much better, which helps prevent mis-rings at the register.

Want to learn more? Watch the exclusive video above.

Onions 52

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Onions 52

Fifty-two weeks a year we’re growing, packaging, and shipping onions, so it’s safe to say we know our onions. At Onions…