River Valley Fruit Introduces New PLU Number for Audra Rose Cherry Variety; Carrie Koerner Discusses

River Valley Fruit Introduces New PLU Number for Audra Rose Cherry Variety; Carrie Koerner Discusses

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GRANDVIEW, WA - Word has crossed our desks regarding a significant milestone for a beloved cherry variety. River Valley Fruit has announced the rollout of its new Audra Rose cherry bag, accompanied by a newly assigned PLU number, 3550.

Carrie Koerner, Sales Manager, River Valley Fruit“During the 2022 season, demand exceeded supply, and packaging all the Audra Rose cherries in clamshells became impractical,” Carrie Koerner, Sales Manager, explained. “Retailers were inquiring about a bag option and having a dedicated PLU for the Audra Rose cherries was crucial in setting them apart from other varieties.”

River Valley Fruit responded to retailer requests and developed a 1.25 lb pouch bag for the Audra Rose cherries due to increasing demand and growing volumes. To help distinguish the highly favored variety, the company pursued a PLU, which was successfully awarded as 3550 in April.

River Valley Fruit has announced the rollout of its new Audra Rose cherry bag, accompanied by a newly assigned PLU number, 3550

Available exclusively through River Valley Fruit and grown exclusively by Leitz Farms, the cherries will be available from mid to late June until mid-July. The Audra Rose cherry bag, packaged in a 12/1.25 lb box, offers a convenient and cost-effective alternative for retailers, a press release explained, as the cherries were only available in a 1 lb clamshell pack until recently.

River Valley Fruit responded to retailer requests and developed a 1.25 lb pouch bag for the Audra Rose cherries due to increasing demand and growing volumes

This season, River Valley Fruit is expecting about a 50 percent increase in the amount of Audra Rose cherries it will pack and ship, anticipating its most productive year to date.

River Valley Fruit operates its cherry packing facility in Grandview, Washington, and owns orchards and warehouses in Grandview, Sunnyside, and Benton City, Washington. Click here to learn more about the company.

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River Valley Fruit

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River Valley Fruit

River Valley Fruit LLC is the former Conrad & Adams LLC. We are located in the Yakima Valley and are known nationally…