Ryan Lockman Discusses North Bay Produce Blueberry and Blackberry Retail Programs

Ryan Lockman Discusses North Bay Produce Blueberry and Blackberry Retail Programs

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MEXICO, CHILE, & PERU - The value blueberries and blackberries add to the berry patch cannot be overstated. With the new year in full swing, North Bay Produce is bringing its berry insights to retail partners as shoppers look for consistency and more ways to incorporate the fruit into their daily lives.

Ryan Lockman, Vice President of Sales, North Bay Produce
Ryan Lockman, Vice President of Sales, North Bay Produce

“While Chilean blueberry arrivals may be slightly delayed due to spring weather, volume is expected to increase as we move through January,” Ryan Lockman, Vice President of Sales, North Bay Produce, details. “For both conventional and organic, peak arrivals are expected from mid-January through the beginning of February.”

From the Peruvian side, blueberries remain steady for now, and Mexican production will peak in February and March—creating a clear window of promotional opportunities for the next four to six weeks.

North Bay Produce reports that Chilean blueberries will increase in volume later this month as Peruvian blueberries continue to remain steady

To sweeten the deal, jumbo blueberries are now available from North Bay’s Mexico growing operations through April. These berries measure in size from 18 mm up to 22–26 mm, and will be coming largely from the company’s SEKOYA plantings—a family of blueberries that North Bay has invested in, and only a select few companies from across the globe can grow them.

As we look to blackberries, volume is expected to increase this month as the growing region recovers from hurricane rains that hit earlier this season.

North Bay Produce brings high-quality blackberries and exclusive varieties to retail partners

“North Bay will offer exclusive varieties, such as our Erandy blackberries, under our RESERVE™ premium label,” Ryan notes. “RESERVE blackberries ship well and remain black throughout the shipping cycle, not reverting to red cells like other varieties may.”

Erandy blackberries will be shipping through May.

With bountiful berries on the horizon, the time is now to keep the category flush for consumers and the heightening demand for blueberries and blackberries.

North Bay Produce

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