Sammy Duda Shows us Duda Farm Fresh Foods' New Celery Snacking Line

Sammy Duda Shows us Duda Farm Fresh Foods' New Celery Snacking Line

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ATLANTA, GA - With the recent announcement of Duda Farm Fresh Foods adding a complete celery snacking line, I had to check out some of these products first hand. I caught up with Sammy Duda, V.P. Western Operations for the company, and he gave me all the details on what makes Duda’s line so unique in the growing trend of snacking.

Sammy Duda, V.P. Western Operations, Duda Farm Fresh Foods“The new items we’re launching fit into that convenience category and snacking category, but we’ve added additions to it,” Sammy tells me. “It’s one thing to have snacking, but what addition to that do you have? What appeals to millennials, consumers, and so forth?”

Celery Snacking Line

Including six ready-to-snack items, the Dandy® Celery Snack Line encompasses Celery Sticks in a 1.6-ounce single serve package; Dandy® celery and peanut butter packs in two sizes—2.3 ounce and 4.15 ounces with Naturally Sweeter and Crispier™ celery and a squeezable peanut butter pouch from Peanut Butter & Co®; and Crunchables™ a grab and go cup that contains celery sticks with three variety of Ranch-flavored dips from Marzetti’s® - Ranch, Light Ranch, and Southwest Ranch.


“We’ve done a lot of research about the flavors and the different dips—even southwest ranch—different flavors like that to enhance that snacking experience,” Sammy explains. “We’ve think we’ve accomplished that and we’re happy with what we have.”

For more on what Sammy had to say and for my first-hand look at the line, watch the full video at the top of the page.

Duda Farm Fresh Foods

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Duda Farm Fresh Foods Inc

What started out as the pursuit of the American dream by Andrew Duda, a young Slovak immigrant, has become one the…