Scott Leimkuhler and Amanda Nojadera of Progressive Produce Discuss Tapping Video Prowess for United Fresh LIVE! 2020
LOS ANGELES, CA - This era of working remotely and wielding technology has revealed something of a hidden talent in our industry. And nothing has showcased this like United Fresh LIVE!, where exhibitors strutted their digital and creative stuff in a way no event has previously made possible.
One company that dove into this opportunity was Progressive Produce, who on top of spotlighting a new Progressive Farms Asparagus brand, a refreshed Nature’s Bounty Organic label, and upcoming plans for sustainable packaging, also demonstrated a strong video prowess that won the attention of any who visited.
“Even though we couldn’t meet in person at this year’s show, we were able to utilize and leverage technology to connect with current and potential customers,” Amanda Nojadera, Marketing Assistant, shared with me. “Creating short, easily consumable videos was key to keeping our visitors engaged with our booth. They were able to learn more about our brands and programs and ‘visit’ our potato fields and citrus groves, something most people don’t get to see. Many visitors left comments in our public chat that they liked how we included videos in each of our tabs.”
So where did this untapped talent come from? Scott Leimkuhler, Senior Vice President of Sales, explained that personalized videos are a useful and necessary tool for Progressive’s sales team.
“We have to keep finding ways to connect with our customers since we can’t see them in person, and one of the best ways is by video. Personalized short videos from our sales and marketing teams have really helped us engage with our customers in this new environment. You can’t take the people out of produce,” he said—a fact we have all become acutely aware of this year, especially.
In fact, the company was well ahead of the curve on booth content when the time came to lay everything out.
“We had already started creating videos before United, but the show reinforced how essential they are as we continue to adapt to the ‘new normal,’” Amanda shared. “Our sales team is getting really creative by adding their personal touches and humor to their videos!”
The team also had the opportunity to add to its own expertise via the show’s open registration, allowing the wealth of information gathered at United to be shared with everyone in the company.
“More employees were able to attend the show, which allowed our team to continue their personal and professional development,” Amanda said of the experience.
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