Seald Sweet's Kim Flores Talks Greenyard Merger and New Facility

Seald Sweet's Kim Flores Talks Greenyard Merger and New Facility

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ORLANDO, FL - If I were to pull a single word to describe Seald Sweet’s whirlwind 2016, that word would certainly be “growth.” After a merger between Seald Sweet sister company, Univeg, and Greenyard Foods in May of last year, and the addition of new Sales Director Stu Monaghan, Greenyard and Seald Sweet announced the opening of a new state-of-the-art packing and cold storage facility. I joined Marketing Director Kim Flores, who gave me a run down on what retailers and Seald Sweet’s partners can expect as the building is set to open this spring.

Kimberly Flores, Marketing Director, Seald Sweet

“It will help us to be a better value to our customers and to be a better partner. It’ll give us the ability to have more services and it’ll expand our portfolio, and it’ll allow us to do more things like value-adding,” Kim explains to me from PMA Fresh Summit’s show floor. “Overall, it gives us a better position to our customers in the industry. It really means furthering what we can do, and how we can serve our customers better.” 

Groundbreaking on the new Seald Sweet and Greenyard Foods facility

The new facility will be 152,200-square-feet, and as we previously reported, is expected to increase the company’s overall volume and production capability, even quadrupling its current operational square footage and capacity. Greenyard said the new facility will help it expand in the following specific areas:  

  • Value-add packing
  • Consolidation
  • Controlled atmosphere storage
  • Service providing opportunities

To learn even more about Seald Sweet’s growth and what the horizon looks like for the new facility, watch my full interview with Kim above. 

Seald Sweet

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Seald Sweet

The Seald Sweet story began in 1909 when the grower-owned cooperative Florida Citrus Exchange was founded. Through nearly…


Seald Sweet was founded in 1909 as a Florida citrus grower cooperative. In 1998, Seald Sweet merged with Greenyard,…