Shuman Farms' John Shuman Discusses Produce for Kids and Vidalia Onion Season

Shuman Farms' John Shuman Discusses Produce for Kids and Vidalia Onion Season

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ORLANDO, FL - My first foray into Southern Exposure waters was great fun. Mingling with produce peeps, meeting familiar and new faces, and sneaking a extra snack—or two—I had the opportunity to see what the produce industry is all about. On the show floor, I spoke with John Shuman, President and CEO of Shuman Farms, and Founder and President of Produce for Kids (PFK), to hear about both PFK’s eventful year and the upcoming Vidalia onion season.

John Shuman, President and CEO, Shuman Farms“Produce for Kids celebrated its 17th anniversary,” John told me. “We’re very pleased to announce that we raised over $285,000 in 2018, which brings our total dollars raised since our inception in 2002 to just over 6.7 million dollars.”

John explained to me that 100 percent of the funds go back into the communities of participating retail partners, helping feed those in need.

Produce for Kids raised over $285,000 in 2018—100 percent of the funds raised goes back into the community

In addition to Produce for Kids record-setting year, John shared with me a little insider info regarding Vidalia onion season.

“We’re excited about some of the promotions and some of the opportunities we have to help our retail partners promote Vidalia onions and sell more produce,” he concluded.

To see the whole of the interview, watch our exclusive video above.

Shuman Farms

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