Shuman Farms Partners With Paper and Packaging Board's Box to Nature Program for Sustainability Initiatives; John Shuman and Broc Davis Comment
REIDSVILLE, GA - It’s Vidalia® onion season, baby! Not only is Shuman Farms supplying a fantastic crop, but it is using the month of April to highlight its sustainability initiatives. One way the grower hopes to help preserve the earth for future generations is by partnering with Box to Nature, a program led by the Paper and Packaging Board.
“Protecting our natural resources is a responsibility we take very seriously. We are committed to being good stewards of the land and doing our part to create a sustainable future,” said John Shuman, President and Chief Executive Officer. “At Shuman Farms, we believe that every small step toward sustainability can make a big difference. We hope to inspire others to join us in our efforts.”
Box to Nature helps organizations incorporate reusable packaging solutions into their supply chain. According to a press release, the mission of the Paper and Packaging Board is to increase demand for paper-based packaging products by promoting their sustainability, versatility, and value.
“By using Box to Nature’s eco-friendly packaging options, we will be able to reduce our carbon footprint and improve our environmental impact,” reports Broc Davis, Sustainability and Operations Lead at Shuman. “Many of our customers are prioritizing sustainable packaging, and this partnership allows us to continue to respond to those needs.”
Other sustainability initiatives include enhancing soil health through cover crops, implementing grass waterways and terraces, reducing water usage with overhead low-flow emitters, minimizing waste through recycling and composting, and using natural pest control methods. Shuman also continues to find ways to reduce plastic and cardboard in its packaging.
As part of its Earth Day celebration, Shuman is encouraging consumers to make sustainable choices and reduce their environmental impact. The release stated that Shuman will be sharing tips for reducing food waste, conserving water, and supporting local farmers across its social media channels throughout the week.
Sustainability will be top of mind all month long, and ANUK will be bringing you the latest news.