Sunrise Fresh Names New Vice President, Sales in Greg Wilson; Jacob Samuel Comments
STOCKTON, CA - Congratulations are certainly in order as one supply-side force is tapping into the expertise of a talented industry vet. Fourth-generation grower, producer, and processor Sunrise Fresh recently unveiled the appointment of its new Vice President, Sales, naming Greg Wilson to the role.
As Wilson steps into this critical role for the company, he will oversee Sales and Customer Service for the ingredient, bulk, and foodservice businesses at Sunrise Fresh and aligned companies.
The Eugene, Oregon, native has extensive experience in the food industry, including his own brand consulting firm, POP Gourmet.
Most recently, he worked as National Account Manager at Meduri Farms.
“We’re very excited to have Greg on board,” commented Sunrise Fresh Chief Executive Officer Jacob Samuel on Wilson’s appointment. “He is well-known across the industry, and his experience will help us to grow and build our entire sales team."
A huge congratulations goes out to Greg Wilson for taking on this vital role on the Sunrise Fresh team!