Taylor Farms Invests in Third "Taylor to Your Tastes" Marketing Campaign; T. Bruce Taylor, Bryan Jaynes, and Christina Barnard Comment

Taylor Farms Invests in Third "Taylor to Your Tastes" Marketing Campaign; T. Bruce Taylor, Bryan Jaynes, and Christina Barnard Comment

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SALINAS, CA - Health and wellness is the name of the game for our industry, and Taylor Farms is putting up a good fight to capture shoppers’ interest with its latest campaign. The producer of salads and healthy fresh foods recently launched its third flight of the Taylor to Your Tastes marketing campaign.

T. Bruce Taylor, Vice President of Organics, Taylor Farms“These marketing campaigns are the last piece of our full-service support for our retail partners,” said T. Bruce Taylor, Vice President of Organics. “Despite understanding the health benefits of produce, 90 percent of Americans don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. Through bold messaging and vibrant visuals, we’re taking a different approach toward increasing consumption by celebrating the fun and vitality of fresh.”

Taylor to Your Tastes introduces more shoppers to Taylor Farms Chopped Salad Kits and invites consumers to tailor vibrant and flavorful meals to whatever their families’ tastes may be.

Taylor Farms, producer of salads and healthy fresh foods, recently launched its third flight of the Taylor to Your Tastes marketing campaign

By displaying creative, bold visuals, and sometimes humorous messaging through premium viewing environments such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok, noted the release, consumers are brought in to explore all things Chopped Kits.

Bryan Jaynes, Vice President of Product Management and Marketing, Taylor Farms“The Taylor to Your Tastes campaign is a creative way to continue driving consumer demand and generate new loyal Taylor Farms Chopped Kit purchasers,” stated Bryan Jaynes, Vice President of Product Management and Marketing. “The chopped salad kit category is our fastest-growing and largest category, and we’re committed to continuing to produce the most innovative and delectable offerings out there while driving consumer demand through marketing.”

As noted in the release, Taylor Farms’ first two campaign flights launched in April 2021 and January 2022. With over 1.2 billion campaign impressions and 3.3 billion e-commerce impressions, the campaign has now expanded nationally and will continue through September 2022.

Christina Barnard, Director of Marketing, Taylor Farms“Digital is the future and vital to our continued category growth,” explained Christina Barnard, Director of Marketing. “We’ve invested countless hours into ensuring a seamless brand experience across our owned properties, Instacart, and our retailer partners’ platforms.”

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Taylor Farms

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Taylor Farms

Taylor Farms is a family owned and operated organization that has grown to become North America’s largest supplier of…