Tommy Caruana of Hazel Technologies Discusses Shelf-Life Extension Solution for Tomatoes, Lettuce, and Avocados

Tommy Caruana of Hazel Technologies Discusses Shelf-Life Extension Solution for Tomatoes, Lettuce, and Avocados

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CHICAGO, IL - For foodservice operators looking to bolster the shelf-life of their tomatoes, lettuce, or avocados (or all three), Hazel Technologies has your back. The shelf-life extension company recently gave us a look at its flagship solution, Hazel 100™, demonstrating its key benefits in the world of foodservice and beyond.

Tommy Caruana, Director of Business Development – Retail, Hazel Technologies“In the foodservice arena, we’re mostly working with tomatoes, lettuce, and avocados,” says Tommy Caruana, Director of Business Development – Retail. “Our company works with about 15 different crops and multiple technologies. Our flagship technology is a single Hazel sachet, which is a drop-in-box solution that releases a gas that counteracts ethylene.”

Tommy goes on to note that, what’s most unique about this solution is that it can be used on avocados that are ripened. For example, producers could ripen an avocado to stage three or stage four and then apply Hazel’s technology to slow down the ripening process from there.

Hazel Technologies’ flagship solution has the ability to help foodservice operators extend the shelf-life of avocados, tomatoes, and lettuce

“With tomatoes, the same thing—you can drop it in a ripe tomato box, and it will slow down the continuation of the ripening and really give the restaurant an opportunity to have longer shelf-life [and] potentially less deliveries,” Tommy adds.

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Hazel Technologies, Inc.

At Hazel Tech®, we are passionate about saving food and resources. We are dedicated to solving the challenges of food…