Trinity Fruit Company Partners with Nurse Angel Network to Donate and Deliver Food and Supplies to Local Hospital Workers

Trinity Fruit Company Partners with Nurse Angel Network to Donate and Deliver Food and Supplies to Local Hospital Workers

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FRESNO, CA - Trinity Fruit Company is yet another supply-side leader stepping up to do all that it can to mitigate the challenges of today’s market. Specifically, the fruit purveyor is making an effort to help the Central Valley combat the spread of COVID-19 by partnering with Nurse Angel Network and donating food and supplies to local hospital employees.

Angela Hernandez, Director of Marketing, Trinity Fruit Company“It’s been an honor to work with Nurse Angel Network in support of our local superheroes on the frontlines of this pandemic,” said Angela Hernandez, Trinity Fruit Company’s Director of Marketing. “In a time where we are working from the offices of our homes, it’s been a blessing to get out and do something to help the heroes in our community.”

Not only is Trinity Fruit Company donating cases of mandarins and dried pomegranate seeds to those on the frontlines of COVID-19, but the grower’s team is also helping to pick up and deliver these donations to hospitals in the Central Valley.

Trinity Fruit partnered with Nurse Angel Network to donate food and supplies to local hospital employees

According to a press release, Trinity Fruit Company’s staff is proud to be part of the efforts to reward the true heroes facing this virus daily and helping keep our community and its citizens safe. These heroes include the Nurse Angel Network, an organization created by a former Valley nurse with the sole purpose of providing support to healthcare workers in the Valley during the coronavirus pandemic.

ANUK joins Trinity Fruit Company in thanking the Nurse Angel Network and other organizations and individuals on the frontlines, including healthcare professionals—true heroes during this pandemic. We will continue to keep the industry apprised of the latest happenings in fresh produce.

Trinity Fruit Company

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Trinity Fruit Sales

Trinity Fruit Company is located in the heart of California’s San Joaquin Valley, proudly serving you since 1999. We have…