Veggies From Mexico Spotlights Women in Produce; Clara Yazmin Parra Lopez and Yolanda Rodríguez Rodriguez Comment

Veggies From Mexico Spotlights Women in Produce; Clara Yazmin Parra Lopez and Yolanda Rodríguez Rodriguez Comment

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CULIACÁN, SINALOA, MEXICO - Priding itself on placing its grower partners and employees at the forefront of its commitments, Veggies From Mexico (VFM) recently turned its spotlight on the women in its organization and across the industry, honoring the crucial role they play in the evolution of fresh produce.

Clara Yazmin Parra Lopez, Head of Food Safety Certifications, Agroexportadora del Noroeste"As a woman, I have never dreamed of success, I work every day to achieve it. Women have demonstrated the ability we have to venture into all economic, productive, and social areas, leaving as proof our ability and excellent results," shared Clara Yazmin Parra Lopez, Head of Food Safety Certifications for Agroexportadora del Noroeste, one of the VFM's grower members.

In the Sinaloa region of Mexico, where VFM is based, women have a vital position in food safety and social responsibility aspects of the fresh produce industry, a release explained. This is shown through their important leadership roles in companies throughout the community of growers, in which they showcase their commitment, talent, creativity, and connectivity.

Yolanda Rodríguez Rodriguez, Head of Social Promotion, Agricola Chaparral"We women are an example of self-improvement, strength, and intelligence. With the ability to solve and overcome the adversities that we face every day," said Yolanda Rodríguez Rodriguez, Head of Social Promotion at Agricola Chaparral, who has over 23 years of experience in the industry and is recognized for her contribution to the social responsibility of the company. "For me, belonging to the fresh produce production sector is a source of pride, since we are the one who feeds many families in the world, besides being able to venture into any economic field."

At VFM, women represent 50 percent of the organization's workforce, helping the company to continuously grow and consolidate.

Veggies From Mexico (VFM) recently turned its spotlight on the women in its organization and across the industry, honoring the crucial role they play in the evolution of fresh produce

To read more about the women behind VFM and its grower members, click here.

Cheers to the ladies of produce who play such a key role in the everyday development of the industry!

Veggies From Mexico

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Veggies From Mexico

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