Walmart, Kroger, Yum! Brands, and More Team Up in Leafy Greens Safety Coalition
UNITED STATES - While our industry is a competitive one, there’s no denying what we can accomplish when we all lock arms for the greater good of produce. Recently, food safety has been one topic of interest that rivals up and down the supply chain have united on in order to establish and implement solutions across all categories. The Leafy Greens Safety (LGS) Coalition is but one example of this, with Kroger, Walmart, Costco, Wegmans, and Yum! Brands leading the charge of setting aside their differences in order to work together on the safety of all leafy greens.
“The Leafy Greens Safety Coalition supports the recommendations of the Romaine Task Force to strengthen prevention practices and traceback and to improve the scientific basis for assuring the safety of romaine and other leafy greens,” the coalition wrote in a statement. “We are committed to the principle of continuous improvement and will work with our suppliers to further tighten food safety specifications.”
Specifically, the coalition is focused on strengthening prevention and modernizing traceability by ensuring that the best science and principles of continuous improvement are applied to the production of leafy greens. One way it is accomplishing this is by encouraging and supporting industry-wide efforts to improve prevention practices and traceability. The coalition has even made strides to work directly with their suppliers to implement emerging best practices.
Wegmans, Kroger, Walmart, and Costco have all applauded the work of the Romaine Task Force, as well as pledged to do their part to build upon the task force's work, improve the safety of leafy greens, and overall prevent future outbreaks. The following include statements from each of the retailers:
- Wegmans: “We applaud the recommendations of the Romaine Task Force. We endorse them and will continue to tighten our food safety specifications especially around water quality, CAFO distances, and dust particles, as more scientific research becomes available.”
- Kroger: “As a leader in food safety, The Kroger Co. recognizes the need for an integrated food safety approach to ensure fresh leafy greens remain safe and readily available for our customers. We commend the efforts of the industry produce task force and full support its recommendations."
- Walmart: “We commend the work of the Romaine Task Force and support its recommendations. Walmart, working with our suppliers, will continue to update our food safety programs based on the latest available science to help protect our customers and members.”
- Costco: “We certainly support the recommendations of the task force and see them as a great first step.”
The Leafy Greens Safety Coalition meets on a regular basis as a group, as well as has met face-to-face with the FDA
As Kroger, Walmart, Costco, Wegmans, and Yum! Brands continue to work together to crack the code on food safety, AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you updated on the latest developments.