Western Growers Introduces New Center for Innovation and Technology Opening December 10th
SALINAS, CA - With farmers making up just 2% of the U.S. population that continues to grow, yet producing 262% more food with 2% fewer inputs than in 1950, Western Growers is looking to prepare the industry with the philosophy that more tech isn’t better- it’s necessary.
“In an era of diminishing natural and human resources, the future of agriculture depends on technology,” President and CEO of Western Growers Tom Nassif tells us.
To maximize the industry’s access, Western Growers is unveiling a new Center of Innovation and Technology, opening up on December 10th.
“It is our mission to discover, nurture, and promote innovation in the field of agriculture,” Tom added.
The 2,800-square-foot center will feature standard office equipment for both hot desks and workstations, serving as a hub of technological development for the agricultural industry.
Sponsors of the new center include:
- Taylor Farms
- JV Smith Companies
- Toro Micro-Irrigation
- Monsanto
- Bayer CropSciences
- Prophet North America
According to the Western Growers Association, technology companies will be able to work with agriculture to identify the critical needs of the industry and receive continuous feedback on the practical application of their potential solutions.
With ongoing programming to help start-up companies establish businesses, as well as connect businesses with the ag industry, the association is looking forward to providing a space that will serve as an effective connection for the industry.