WINDSET FARMS® Matt Modena Details Organic Expansion Across Product Portfolio

WINDSET FARMS® Matt Modena Details Organic Expansion Across Product Portfolio

DELTA, BRITISH COLUMBIA - Tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and beyond! Each of these categories is seeing a rise in opportunities as WINDSET FARMS® brings a robust organic portfolio to store shelves. We recently touched base with the greenhouse supplier to learn more.

Matt Modena, Sales Manager, WINDSET FARMS®

"We're excited about the expansion of our organic program: a full line of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, all the snacking varieties in between," Matt Modena, Sales Manager, shares. "All 100 percent greenhouse grown, locally grown, brought to your doorstep."

Windset Farms has continued to fuel growth for its organic portfolio, seizing opportunities across a variety of categories. In addition, the supplier continues to capture consumer attention with its innovative, on-trend packaging developments and unwavering commitment to top flavor.

WINDSET FARMS® expanded its organic program, which includes tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers, along with snacking varieties

"We have a few new packaging items—eco-friendly, more compostable recyclable friendly packaging that's along with those trends today," Matt says before highlighting a key differentiator for the greenhouse grower. "What really sets us apart is our flavor profile, the varieties that we choose for that high degree brix, that super sweet taste, and just that quality and freshness overall."

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Windset Farms

Windset Farms® is one of North America's largest Controlled Environmental Agriculture (CEA) producers and marketers…