Weathermelon Weather Report - May 10, 2019

Weathermelon Weather Report - May 10, 2019

IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!

Today, I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see where the rain is falling, the sun is shining, and everything in between.


The southern end of the San Joaquin valley will most likely see some rain today, which may affect the cherry crop and possibly stonefruit. Rain coupled with hot weather in the upper 80°s and 90°s next week has the possibility of causing splitting in the cherries and possible staining in peaches.

As of last night, the Bakersfield area has the highest possibility of rain (100 percent chance of .58”) today while Fresno (100 miles north) has a 50 percent chance of a light rain. These are the areas that have the most crops currently in production.

At the northern end of the valley, the cities of Modesto, Stockton, and Sacramento are not predicted to receive any rain today.

The growers in California are not out of the woods just yet though, as another storm is lining up to hit California next Thursday and Friday, May 16 and 17. As it stands now, next week’s storm has the potential to bring higher rain totals than today’s storm. We will update you again next Tuesday.

If you are a cherry or stonefruit buyer, you might want to keep an eye on the weather out of California the next few days and check with your shippers.


The heat wave in Oregon and Washington begins today and will last through Sunday. Yesterday, the region of Wenatchee Valley had a high temperature of 81°. Today, the same region will have a high of 88° and will get to 91°on Saturday. Sunday will be 88° and by Monday things will begin to cool off again. By next Wednesday and Friday, there is a 50 percent chance of rain. This region is getting close to cherry season as well.


Summer tomato growing regions of Quincy, Florida, southern Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Arkansas are getting hit with some heavy rains at the moment. Rain totals range from 1—3” over the next three days. Quincy and southern Georgia should be close to starting harvest, while other regions will start harvesting sometime next month.

Further south along the peninsula of Florida, these growing regions can expect to see rain on a daily basis now. Belle Glade, for example, can expect to receive rain of .15 to .25” everyday for the next 10 days. Immokalee can expect the same.

Watermelon is currently coming from these regions. Please check the app for further details.

Thanks again, and we'll be back next week with another weather report!


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