Weathermelon Weather Report - May 7, 2019
IRVINE, CA - Good morning, AndNowUKnow readers!
Today, I am bringing you some of the category and weather news from around the industry. Check back twice weekly to see where the rain is falling, the sun is shining, and everything in between.
Yesterday, a storm came through California, bringing light rain and wind to coastal growing regions from Santa Maria south through San Diego. And there is another storm coming later in the week. The San Jose Valley is expecting more rain this Thursday and Friday. Bakersfield and Fresno can expect .75” over the two-day period. Further north into Sacramento, they will see rain but totals are not expected to be as high.
Cherries and blueberries are currently coming from these areas. You may want to check with shippers to see if harvests will be affected.
The coastal regions of California have a 20 percent chance of rain during these same two days.
The desert growing regions did not see any rain but did experience winds of 25 mph yesterday and also today.
Florida and Southern Georgia can expect six consecutive days of rain starting this Friday. Over this six days, Bainbridge can expect a total of over 2” or rain. Quincy, Florida, can expect about 1.25” over the same period. Further south, all growing locations up and down the Florida peninsula can expect multiple days of rain over the next 10 days. Please check the app for specific locations and amounts.
Asparagus has started in the Wolverine State. Yesterday and today, Michigan growing locations will see light rain, but come Wednesday and Thursday the rain will intensify, dropping about 1.25” over the two-day period. Friday will be the coldest day of the week with a maximum temperature of 53° and a minimum temperature of 39° before beginning to warm again heading into next week, reaching a high temperature in the mid-60°s.
Starting today, the Walla Walla and Yakima valleys in Washington will experience an eight-day heat wave that will see temperatures rise from a high yesterday of 79° to a maximum temperature of 89° on Sunday before cooling again next Wednesday down into the 70°s. The lows during this heat wave will remain in the mid-50°s.
Oregon will also experience the same heat wave with the Willamette Valley, reaching a high temperature of 89° on Saturday and Sunday.
Asparagus is currently coming from Washington and blueberries are about a month away in both Washington and Oregon.
The grape region of northern Sonora will experience cooler than normal temperatures over the next eight days. The normal temperatures for the month of May are 96°/62°. Starting today, maximum temperatures will remain in the 80°s and will only get to 82° on Friday, with a low of 57°. This area was experiencing highs in the low 100°s only a couple of weeks ago. By Tuesday, May 14, maximum temperatures will be back into the mid-90°s.
Veg has started out of Baja California, Mexico, with tomatoes to start later this month. In the northern part of the state, in the region of San Quintín, the climate is very stable with daily highs reaching between 66° and 69° with lows in the mid-50°s. There is a 50 percent chance of light showers this Friday.
Further south in the region of La Paz, you can expect temperatures to cool throughout the week, with Sunday and Monday of next week being the coolest days only reaching a maximum temperature of 80°. The normal high temperature of May is 92°.
The eastern coastal regions of Veracruz and Tamaulipas, which are big citrus regions, will experience warmer than normal temperatures later this week, with highs reaching into the low 100°s. Currently, maximum temperatures are in the low 90°s. The minimum temperatures for the same time period will be in the high 70°s. There is also the possibility of daily thunderstorms.
Thanks again, and we'll be back later this week with another weather report!