Agronometrics Relaunches Its Data Driven Platform to Spur Produce Industry Success

Agronometrics Relaunches Its Data Driven Platform to Spur Produce Industry Success

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FORT COLLINS, CO - While the produce market is filled with uncertainties that often make this industry so exciting, having insights that can help predict the future are always intriguing. That is why Agronometrics has relaunched its platform that offers tools like market updates, price alerts, and easy navigation through USDA data to give operators across the industry a leg up.

Colin Fain, Chief Executive Officer, Agronometrics"With these tools, many people use the site to stay abreast of what's going on in the markets for their commodity, or study historical trends to have a better idea of what the future might hold,” said CEO Colin Fain.

The company’s platform provides users with an easy-to-navigate dashboard that produce veterans and newcomers alike can use to decipher the data that drives the market. According to a press release, at the click of a mouse, users will have access to weekly summaries and market data for the sector they work in.

“What people most appreciate about the service is the ability to gain access to reliable market data when they need it. This way our clients are not stumbling around in the dark when looking to make an important commercial decision,” added Fain.

Agronometrics has relaunched its platform that offers tools like market updates, price alerts, and easy navigation through USDA data to give operators across the industry a leg up

Agronometrics' relaunch comes as the company has restructured the platform after years of requests from customers, modifications to streamline the service, and the implementation of new tools that helped raise the bar on the company’s offerings. The new interface provides an updated ease of use that makes this platform comprehensive for all operators across the produce industry.

As Agronometrics continues to partner with a wide range of companies across the supply-chain and retail markets, the data that will become available and the services that the company will be able to offer will only grow. In an industry where change is inevitable, having concrete data makes it that much easier to roll up our sleeves and tackle the twists and turns ahead.

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