Amazon Produce Network Provides Fair Trade Certified™ Organic and Conventional Mangos

Amazon Produce Network Provides Fair Trade Certified™ Organic and Conventional Mangos

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VINELAND, NJ - Mangos hailing from Mexico-based Fruta Exporta and Perez Organico are now Fair Trade Certified™ if imported through Amazon Produce Network. The importer—headquartered in Vineyard, New Jersey, with Los Angeles, McAllen, Nogales, and Miami offices—is providing Fair Trade Certified organic and conventional mangos from the family-owned and operated growers for the first time, from June through September. Ataulfos, Tommy Atkins, Keitts, and Kents are all varieties offered in both organic and conventional and that carry the Fair Trade Certified seal.

Greg Golden, Co-Owner and Director of Sales, Amazon Produce Network“With Fair Trade, we believe we can help farmworkers in the growing regions, as well as create awareness about this delicious tropical fruit in the U.S. market,” Greg Golden, Co-Owner and Director of Sales of Amazon Produce, said. “Our guiding principle is, ‘We build long-term, sustainable partnerships with both suppliers and customers based on integrity, transparency, loyalty, and fairness.’ The Fair Trade program fits perfectly with our guiding principle. Amazon Produce is very proud to partner with Fruta-Exporta, Perez Organico, and Fair Trade USA to bring Fair Trade-certified mangos to the shelves of U.S. retailers, and in doing so, help countless farmworkers, their families, and communities.”

Employing local and migrant workers from mango growing areas in Mexico that hold both seasonal and full-time roles because of the increased work hours required during harvest, Fruta Exporta and Perez Organico focus on the individual development and well-being of workers and communities in which they grow.


The Fair Trade certification has been two years in the works, as the three—Fruta Exporta, Perez Organico, and Amazon Produce Network—all worked together to provide a workforce environment that meets the standards required to be certified. Good Agricultural Practices establish both full-time and seasonal workers earn decent wages, work under safe conditions, enjoy freedom of association, and practice environmental stewardship, according to a press release. To goal is to empower workers with Community Development Funds, which is money earned from the mangos sold that will support projects the community democratically designates the money go toward—such as education and healthcare.

Congratulations on this accomplishment, Amazon Produce Network, Fruta Exporta, and Perez Organico!

Will this move spur others to take the steps required to obtain the certification, and how will this spark a large change in the growing communities from which Amazon Produce Network imports? AndNowUKnow will keep you updated with the latest fresh produce industry news.

Amazon Produce Network

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Amazon Produce Network

Amazon Produce Network is an importer and distributor of mangoes and other produce with a mission to be the most…