Anthony Innocenti Discusses LIV Produce's Organic Produce Summit Vision and Message

Anthony Innocenti Discusses LIV Produce's Organic Produce Summit Vision and Message

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CAPISTRANO BEACH, CA - We are a relationship-driven business, constantly impacted by the most urgent issues of the day—weather, pricing, supply chain—and always under the consumer microscope. In the face of such volatility, it is our human connection, our ability to reach across the divide to each other—not through a spreadsheet—which is so essential to building solutions in our line of work. This is the message I hear loud and clear from Anthony Innocenti, Managing Partner, LIV Produce, as we look ahead to the Organic Produce Summit (OPS).

Anthony Innocenti, Managing Partner, LIV Produce
Anthony Innocenti, Managing Partner, LIV Produce

“We need to remember that our strength as a fresh produce community, first and foremost, is the human-to-human solution-building that comes from conversations, not just emails; from discussions, not just texts and spreadsheets,” Anthony tells me. “Yes, the numbers and the data are essential, but I think that we lean on them too heavily without balancing on real-world experience and direct communication. The Organic Produce Summit is the perfect opportunity to reconnect and drive this relationship-building that helps us uniquely thrive.”

LIV Produce is unwavering in its commitment to the human connection that has been foundational to the company’s success.

“We speak weekly with our customers and our growers, constantly improving our solutions and efficiencies. Speaking every six months may work for a center story contract, but fresh produce changes daily,” Anthony expresses. “We feel that the more informed our customers are, the more nimble we can be for them and our growers.”

In addition to its high-quality offerings, LIV Produce conducts business with a personal touch to help its partners build solutions

Also supporting this relationship-driven message is, of course, a program fit for retail success.

“We are significantly expanding our citrus acreage and grower partnerships—both conventional and organic—with a focus on Mandarins,” Anthony details, noting that there will be more to share at the show.

The company will also be adding organic Heirloom Navels and is expanding its capabilities with the ability to pack private label for any retailer in the country.

“We're very excited for the fall, and I believe our best years are yet to come,” Anthony says.

The depth of commitment with a company like LIV Produce ripples out and I am excited to see how the conversations emerge at OPS. Plan on having one yourself, and visit LIV Produce booth #300 at OPS. See you all soon!

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