Anthony Vineyards Announces Partnership With Hazel Technologies; Rope Eddy and Aidan Mouat Comment
CHICAGO, IL - Technology is advancing our industry at a lightning rate. One advancement Bakersfield, California-based Anthony Vineyards is employing is increasing the shelf-life of its table grapes. Recently, the grower teamed up with Hazel Technologies to trial the tech company’s flagship Hazel 100™ on its table grape varieties, Scarlet Royal and Red Globe, and saw significant results.
“I heard really positive things about Hazel from fellow growers Jasmine®, Illume®, and elsewhere in the industry, but was honestly a little skeptical of the technology before we started our trial,” said Rope Eddy, Ranch Manager at Anthony Vineyards. “After working with their attentive team and seeing significantly greener stems on our storage grapes at the end of the season, I’m a true believer in Hazel Tech’s products and can’t wait to see what they can do for the rest of our conventional table grapes in 2022.”
With a dedication to providing consistent quality and being at the forefront of new technologies, Anthony Vineyards found many commonalities with Hazel Tech when it first teamed up with the solutions provider in 2021. Both Anthony and Hazel Tech understand the challenge and value of expanding into new varieties.
Today, Anthony Vineyards grows over 20 conventional varieties including Sweet Globe®, Timpson®, Sweet Scarlet, Candy Snaps®, Sweet Sapphire®, and Ivory®. Hazel Tech also significantly expanded its variety trials over the past year, now working with 20-plus different varieties.
“99 percent of commercially grown table grapes in the United States are grown in California," Aidan Mouat, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hazel Technologies, commented. "Knowing that table grape growers throughout California and the rest of the world are starting to trust Hazel 100 and the results the technology provides makes me confident our technology will protect a substantial segment of conventional table grapes in the coming years.”
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