Bee Sweet Citrus Promotes Seasonal Varieties for the Holiday Season; Keith Watkins and Monique Bienvenue Comment

Bee Sweet Citrus Promotes Seasonal Varieties for the Holiday Season; Keith Watkins and Monique Bienvenue Comment

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FOWLER, CA - Chestnuts roasting on an open fire won’t be the only consumer favorite visiting shoppers’ kitchens this holiday season, as a bounty of winter citrus varieties is coming. Bee Sweet Citrus is ready to take on the holidays with a robust portfolio and what is looking to be an excellent supply.

Keith Watkins, Vice President of Farming, Bee Sweet Citrus“Our warm fall has delayed the normal coloring of the exterior of the fruit, but has helped increase sugar levels,” stated Vice President of Farming Keith Watkins. “We expect the eating quality of our fruit to be extremely good throughout the winter and into spring.”

Bee Sweet’s winter citrus line is grown under the close watch of its farming department and meets strict quality standards, a press release stated. Available in new, high-graphic packaging, all of the grower’s varieties are available in bag and bulk options.

Bee Sweet Citrus is helping retailers gear up for the holidays with a robust portfolio and what is looking to be an excellent supply

Since the start of California’s citrus domestic season, Bee Sweet has added Meyer lemons, Star Ruby grapefruit, Melo Gold grapefruit, and Pummelos to its citrus portfolio. Next month, the supplier will also have Cara Cara Navel oranges, Blood oranges, and Minneola Tangelos available, according to the press release.

Monique Bienvenue, Director of Communications and Compliance, Bee Sweet Citrus“In addition to household staples such as lemons, Navel oranges, and Mandarins, our team has seasonal varieties to help move the citrus category during the holiday season,” stated Director of Communications and Compliance Monique Bienvenue. “With food at the heart of many holiday gatherings, our diverse citrus line caters to shoppers looking for ingredients to salads, main entrées, desserts, and more.”

Which citrus varieties will you have on hand when shoppers come searching? With Bee Sweet in your corner, I have no doubt that your selection will be a roaring success.

Bee Sweet Citrus

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Bee Sweet Citrus

Bee Sweet Citrus was founded in 1987 as an independent packer and shipper of California oranges. As our business grew, we…