Brighter Bites Works to Deliver Vegetables and Fruit to Families During COVID-19

Brighter Bites Works to Deliver Vegetables and Fruit to Families During COVID-19

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HOUSTON, TX - The champions that are fresh produce industry members continue to work toward a balance between serving much-needed fruits and vegetables and keeping themselves, their employees, and family members safe. Brighter Bites, which seeks to ensure everyone has access to fresh produce, is among those leading this charge.

Stefanie Cousins, Director of Marketing and Communications, Brighter Bites“Like all of you, Brighter Bites is adapting to the new realities brought on by the coronavirus outbreak,” Stefanie Cousins, Director of Marketing and Communications, shared in a recent statement. “Our number one priority is the health and well-being of our employees and the families/communities we serve. For that reason, we are following protocols to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. At the same time Brighter Bites understands that families need fresh, nutrient-rich food to keep them healthy. Therefore, we are making every effort to find distribution mechanisms to ensure they receive it.”

The organization noted that it is currently working with stakeholders to develop alternative opportunities for distributing produce to local families while the schools it partners with are closed. Donated produce is also being redirected and the team is working with its supply chain to ensure the process continues.

Brighter Bites is continuing to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to local communities by finding new distribution mechanisms

Since the COVID-19 crisis has come to a head in the U.S., Brighter Bites has done a number of things to support its communities, including:

  • Having provided 300+ Brighter Bites families and local community members in Woodside, Queens, with 4,586 lbs of organic grapes, oranges, and pantry bags pre-packed by its partners at City Harvest
  • Staff and volunteers in Austin, Texas, packed 830 bags of fresh fruits and vegetables for families whose children attend Cook, T.A. Brown, and Harris Elementary Schools, thanking Hardie's Fresh Food for its incredible support during this challenging time
  • The Southwest Florida team distributed fresh produce to more than 500 families in Immokalee, Florida, with the help of so many community partners, including Harry Chapin Food Bank, Southern Specialties, Freedom Fresh, and B&W Quality Growers

“In the coming weeks, we’ll be making our best efforts to identify ways to regularly support our families with fresh, healthy foods and nutrition education alongside our local food banks and city partners. Above all else, the health and safety of our employees, families, and communities will remain our focus,” Stefanie assured.

When the team can’t distribute fresh produce, it said it is making nutrition education and healthy recipes available to families electronically, helping them make the most of the food they do have while at home with their children.

As our industry continues to help consumers see their way through this uneasy time, AndNowUKnow will continue to serve you with the latest news and fresh produce updates.

Brighter Bites

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Brighter Bites

Brighter Bites is a nonprofit that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables directly into families’ hands, while teaching…