Center for Disease Control Declares Third E. coli Outbreak Over

Center for Disease Control Declares Third E. coli Outbreak Over

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ATLANTA, GA - Earlier this week, we reported that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had declared that two active outbreaks of pathogenic E. coli relating to romaine lettuce were over. We were met with further news surrounding the topic this morning, as the CDC announced that a third E. coli outbreak is officially over as well.

The pathogenic E. coli strain REPEXH02 is now behind us, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that it will continue its investigations as they relate to the outbreaks. As of now, the investigations have confirmed that this outbreak was connected to leafy greens, although a specific brand has not been identified.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that a third E. coli outbreak is officially over

The Produce Marketing Association (PMA) has worked with several experts in order to promote the safety of fresh produce and eliminate these outbreaks. The association has participated in three leafy green traceability pilots which have significantly contributed to the mitigation of E. coli outbreaks moving forward.

We have seen E. coli persistently cause challenges in the leafy greens category, but our industry leaders continue to fight for food safety and overcome those challenges. For more updates as they pertain to these outbreaks, keep checking in with ANUK.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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