Center for Produce Safety Initiates 10 New Projects to Answer Top Food Safety Concerns; Joe Pezzini Details

Center for Produce Safety Initiates 10 New Projects to Answer Top Food Safety Concerns; Joe Pezzini Details

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WOODLAND, CA - The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) is helping answer our industry’s most pressing food safety questions through an investment of just over $2.7 million. In doing so, the organization has funded 10 new research projects conducted by organizations in five United States regions as well as Spain.

Joe Pezzini, Chair, Board of Directors, Center for Produce Safety and Senior Director of Agricultural Operations, Taylor Farms
Joe Pezzini, Chair, Volunteer Board of Directors, Center for Produce Safety and Senior Director of Agricultural Operations, Taylor Farms

"These timely new research projects were made possible by the generosity of industry contributors to CPS’s Campaign for Research, and grants from state Specialty Crop Block Grant Programs in California, Florida, Texas, and Washington, all of whom are committed to enhancing fresh produce food safety," commented Joe Pezzini, Chair of CPS's volunteer Board of Directors and Senior Director of Ag Operations for Taylor Farms. “Without their support, CPS couldn’t succeed in our mission to fund science, find solutions, and fuel change in produce safety.”

As a press release detailed, nine projects were awarded via CPS’s annual call for research proposals, which identified top industry science priorities. These nine projects are intended to answer questions on topics evaluating and mitigating risks associated with waxing roller brushes, enteric viruses, agricultural water subpart E, and more, with a focus on whole and fresh-cut produce, fields, and packinghouses. These projects began this month and will be completed within 1–2 years.

Through an investment of just over $2.7 million, the Center for Produce Safety has funded 10 new research projects related to food safety 

In addition to the nine projects awarded through the annual grant process, CPS awarded one special project, "Tri-State Special Project on Harvest Equipment: A data-informed consensus of “clean for the intended purpose." This project, which began on November 2023 and will end with a final presentation at the 2024 CPS Research Symposium, is led by Dr. Channah Rock, University of Arizona, and Dr. Michelle Danyluk, University of Florida.

As these projects take place, CPS will share project statuses and final findings through various knowledge transfer activities, including CPS emails conveying research updates and trade media articles. To read more about this recent investment, along with a complete list of newly funded projects, click here.

Stay tuned as ANUK continues to report on advancements in food safety.

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Center For Produce Safety

The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) is a collaborative partnership that leverages the combined expertise of industry,…