Chadwick Boyd & The Produce Mom® to Promote Vegetables at Williams-Sonoma

Chadwick Boyd & The Produce Mom® to Promote Vegetables at Williams-Sonoma

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INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Vegetables have a new celebrity dream-team in the recently announced partnership between food and lifestyle expertChadwick Boyd, and The Produce Mom®, Lori Taylor. Taylor will be joining Boyd for the Midwest portion of his national Entertaining with Vegetables tour.

Chadwick Boyd, Food and Lifestyle Expert“I am so excited to come to the Midwest. I can’t imagine doing this tour with a better produce expert than Lori Taylor,” said Boyd in a press release. “Teaching home cooks how to create simple, delicious recipes with style using fresh produce easily found at the grocery store is my mission.”

The duo will speak at three Williams-Sonoma locations throughout the Midwest, demonstrating how moms everywhere can turn fresh produce into easy and tasty dishes for a range of occasions. Each show will highlight the use of broccoli, chard, and artichokes in the live cooking show.

Lori Tayler, The Produce Mom“Chadwick Boyd’s recipes are elegant yet accessible. He’s an incredible ambassador of fresh produce and a great resource for home cooks. I look forward to joining him on the tour and teaching him more about the growing presence of fruits and vegetables in school cafeterias,” commented Taylor.

Boyd and Taylor will also make additional promotions through television and news appearances, including IndyStyle where Taylor regularly contributes. Also planned is the pair's promotion of vegetables use in schools through private demonstrations for school foodservice directors.

“I can’t wait to meet everyone and showcase my Collection’s recipes for all the home cooks in Cincinnati and Indianapolis,” finished Boyd.

Midwesterners can catch Boyd and Taylor at Williams-Sonoma stores in Cincinnati, OH, and Indianapolis, IN, next week, or in the livestream hosted on social media. The events are free and open to the public. Recipe samples will be available for attendees, and Boyd’s recipe collection Entertaining with Vegetables will be for sale and available for signing during the events.

Find out more about the Cincinnati event here, and the Indianapolis event here. Fill up on produce-related events and announcements by continuing to check back with AndNowUKnow!

 The Produce Mom Chadwick Boyd

Companies in this Story

The Produce Moms

The Produce Mom® blog & consumer brand was launched in January 2012 by Lori Taylor during her days as marketing…