CMI Orchards Scales Up With Yakima Fruit Partnership

CMI Orchards Scales Up With Yakima Fruit Partnership

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WENATCHEE, WA - Sweet dreams are made of partnerships, who am I to disagree? CMI Orchards is furthering its dedication to being a leading fruit grower, packer, and shipper in Washington State with a new strategic partnership with Yakima Fruit and Cold Storage Co.

Bob Mast, President, CMI Orchards“With this partnership comes tremendous opportunity to increase our daily shipping capacity with the expansion of packing facilities and high-density acreage,” CMI President Bob Mast shared. “This added volume will enable significant growth for both companies and provides a robust portfolio to carry CMI and Yakima Fruit into the future.”

According to a press release, the new partnership will significantly expand CMI Orchards’ offerings by adding over three million boxes of exceptional quality apples to CMI’s diverse sales portfolio.

“This is all a part of a long-range plan for strategic growth to better serve our growers as well as our expanding customer base. The design began to unfold back in 2018 when CMI Orchards added Pine Canyon Growers as a grower, packer, and shipper. Pine Canyon Growers has been a fantastic addition to our manifest, and now our progress has enabled us to team up with another great partner in Yakima Fruit,” continued Mast. “Yakima Fruit has a highly desirable manifest that we are excited to add to our offerings, including exceptional early Honeycrisp among other key varieties.”

CMI Orchards is furthering its dedication to being a leading fruit grower, packer, and shipper in Washington State with a new strategic partnership with Yakima Fruit and Cold Storage Co

According to Mast, the partnership was executed on March 20, 2020, and has immediately added additional core varieties to CMI’s selling power. Varieties include Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, Cosmic Crisp®, Red Delicious, Pink Lady®, Gala, Fuji, and Golden Delicious apples.

“At the end of the day, there was no better choice than CMI,” Mike Wilcox, President of Yakima Fruit, said. “CMI has proven time and time again they are innovation leaders, paving the way with many of the top-selling branded apple varieties in the USA.”

Wilcox further added in the press release he has always had tremendous respect for the CMI group and the points of difference that CMI brings to the table to help retailers drive sales.

“Having a strong core manifest is equally important, which is the value that Yakima Fruit adds to this partnership, as you have to be able to take care of customers’ everyday needs as well as bring something new and exciting to the table to keep apples exciting,” he said.

The new partnership will significantly expand CMI Orchards’ offerings by adding over three million boxes of exceptional quality apples to CMI’s diverse sales portfolio

Mast reports that in addition to high production orchards, the Yakima Fruit partnership brings an opportunity to strategize on future plantings with available unplanted acreage to best meet the needs of CMI’s retailer and consumer preferences for both apples and cherries.

“CMI is thrilled with the opportunity this blank slate provides and is eager to look into early cherry varieties, licensed branded apples and cherries, as well as high flavor, high quality core apple varietals,” commented Mast. “This partnership will greatly increase CMI’s ability to service our customer base with fruit on a year-round basis. We are excited to have additional premium fruit to offer our customers and to continue to supply the highest quality fruit that we can, serving the needs of the market.”

CMI’s President further went on to say, “CMI is already known within the industry as being an innovator and leader for new branded items and organics, and this partnership will enable us to continue to pioneer advancements in these areas while expanding our fruit supply, meeting the needs of all of our customers. We are very proud to welcome the Yakima Fruit team to the CMI Orchards Family and look forward to a long-lasting partnership.”

Congratulations to both CMI and Yakima Fresh on this new partnership!

CMI Orchards Yakima Fresh

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