Healthy Family Project Joins Forces With Military Produce Group; Jeffrey Evans and Kara Dallman Comment
ORLANDO, FL - Healthy Family Project is continuing the success of its annual Produce for Kids cause marketing campaign, which supports families and communities in need of fresh food and nutrition. Celebrating the seventh annual launch of the campaign, Healthy Family Project unleashed in-person and virtual events, produce department signage, ads, and more centered around The Month of the Military Child.
“We were truly excited to implement this year’s redesigned signage and incorporate additional touch points with the families we serve,” said Jeffrey Evans, Sales and Marketing Manager, Military Produce Group. “We are grateful to our produce partners for supporting our military community in such a big way.”
According to a press release, produce partners made a $4,000 donation to Our Military Kids during the campaign, an organization that provides learning grants to children whose parents are deployed or recovering from combat injuries. Healthy Family Project also hosted a cooking class on April 28 exclusively for military kids and their families and featuring the campaign’s produce partners, Red Sun Farms, RealSweet® Onions, Wilcox Fresh, and Yes! Apples. Healthy Family Project’s Amanda Keefer and daughter Charli led the class of 33 families through two recipes.
“It was a true pleasure to be able to offer a Healthy Family Project cooking class exclusive to military kids,” said Kara Dallman, Executive Director at Our Military Kids. “Outside of the grants we will be able to provide to military kids through the campaign, the added cooking class made the campaign extra special this year.”
As an expansion of the initiative this year, military Child Development Centers sent groups of preschoolers to their local commissary to embark on a produce adventure with the location’s produce specialist, and Healthy Family Project provided produce specialists with materials to make a produce scavenger hunt.
The campaign’s website also provides shoppers with an e-cookbook that highlights campaign partners, as well as additional downloadables and more information on the campaign.
A huge shoutout goes out to Healthy Family Project for its numerous efforts to support communities in need and increase access to fresh produce! For more industry updates, keep an eye on AndNowUKnow.