Hugh H. Branch Rebrands with New Name and Logo
SOUTH BAY, FL - Hugh H. Branch, Inc., a sweet corn supplier out of Florida, has announced a new trade-facing name: "Branch: A Family of Farms" and the shortened version, "Branch."
“As we grow, we want to reposition our company and brand by putting our farmers at the center of everything we do,” said Brett Bergmann, President of Branch. “Our new logo says it all ‘Branch: A Family of Farms.’ We are much more than just one person, we are a family of farmers who all share the common purpose of providing customers with the highest quality vegetables possible.”
The company says it is making this change in an effort to be more encompassing of its long-withstanding network of famers and tell their rich history. The company wishes to not just pay homage to its founder, Hugh Branch, but also to all the farmers that have made up this operation from the beginning.
According to a press release, many of the Branch farmers have been growing quality produce for over 50 years, with most averaging 25 years of service. It is this family of farms that Branch Farms considers the core of their success.