Josh Leichter Details Pacific Trellis Fruit's Organic Table Grape Expansion
LOS ANGELES, CA - Organics continue to make strides across premium fresh produce categories, and the opportunity to offer year-round quality organic supplies across those segments is the feat for the best of growers. With table grapes continuing to find loyalty in the consumer basket, Pacific Trellis Fruit has ramped up and expanded its organic grape program to respond to growing retail demand during the North American winter months.
“Supermarkets are always asking for organic grapes during the winter months. Offerings are very limited, but the consumer demand for organics is still there no matter what the time of year,” Josh Leichter, General Manager, shares. “Many supermarkets have reported an increase in demand for organics since the onset of the pandemic, and we have just entered into our first year importing organic grapes from South America.”
For the 2020/2021 import season, Pacific Trellis will be bringing in Peruvian Sweet Sapphire™, Sweet Celebration™, Sweet Surprise™, and Sweet Globe™ varieties—all premium IFG® table grape varieties.
Josh does add that the overall offerings are quite low due to climatic and growing challenges along with USDA regulations, but the company still hopes to bring value where there is demand.
“While the volume of organic grapes we will be bringing in is relatively small compared to our overall imported grapes volumes, they are impactful due to the limited offerings and high demand for organic grapes during the winter import season,” Josh expresses.
As we wind down 2020 and wind up for 2021, produce partners like Pacific Trellis are bringing flavor and quality to the forefront as fresh produce excellence becomes an essential part of building the consumer basket.