Lakeside Organic Gardens Wraps Up 2015 with Pajaro Valley Donations
WATSONVILLE, CA – Lakeside Organic Gardens is closing out on a strong year with the giving spirit, donating over $375,000 to local Pajaro Valley organizations.
After pulling in a profitable year, company owner and grower Dick Peixoto has announced that he hopes to inspire others in the community to give by continuing a four-year tradition to donate locally.
“Here at Lakeside when we have a good year we like to give back to our community. We especially focus on those most in need, children, and also Ag Education,” Peixoto said, according to a press release. He added that he appreciates his peers for going out of their way to thank him, but really wants the community to recognize and thank his employees as well.
Peixoto says it’s the whole company’s act; he just carries the check. The donations were made by him and his wife, Marisela, by hand yesterday, December 22nd.
Recipients of these generous gifts included:
- California Foundation for Ag in the Classroom
- CASA of Santa Cruz County
- Dominican Foundation Katz Cancer Resource Center
- Families in Transition in Santa Cruz County
- Toys for Tots
- Jacob’s Heart
- Pajaro Valley Shelter Services
- Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes
- Salinas Circle for Children
- The Salvation Army
- Second Harvest Food Bank
- Survivors Healing Center
- Teen Kitchen Project
- Jovenes Sanos
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Monarch Services
- Youth NOW
All are local Pajaro Valley organizations committed to the well being of the community, made possible by the hard work of every person that is employed by Lakeside Organic Gardens. We commend keeping this tradition and the spirit of paying it forward.