Mac Riggan Highlights Chelan Fresh's Rockit™ Back-to-School Merchandising
CHELAN, WA - The Labor Day holiday is usually a hallmark for most parents that school is back in session, which means nutritious snacks and convenient offerings are starred on every list. Chelan Fresh understands the stress and importance of having an easy product within reach, so what’s better than Rockit™?
“Labor Day signals the start of kids headed back to the classroom, and that means parents are also back to buying snacks for lunches and after-school snacking,” Mac Riggan, Director of Marketing, shares. “The bright yellow Rockit ‘Back to School’ packaging does a great job helping them navigate the snack category, especially Healthy Snacks.”
Good for snacking and the environment, the 3 lb Rockit shuttle checks all the shopping requirements consumers have, boasting great taste and an rPET package that is 100 percent recyclable. Its small size is perfect for kids and adults on the go and eliminates the need to pre-slice the apple for lunches and activities.
“The Rockit recyclable packaging virtually eliminates shrink at the store level, so you can build big eye-catching displays in the front of your produce department to capture some great BTS sales,” continues Mac. “It brings big flavor in a small package that is perfect for everything from lunchboxes to mini charcuterie boards.”
From outdoor gatherings to lunchrooms for any age, keep these shuttles in stock to nutritiously zoom through the season of sales. And keep an eye out for ANUK to bring more updates from the industry.